Sell on India's Tech Marketplace

Join as a Seller NOW!

Selling with Gearhunt is easy and straightforward. Join now and get more customers and orders for your products from all over India.
Increase your growth rate and earn higher profits than from any other marketplace with our lowest commission offer.

It takes less than 5 minutes to register

How to Sell

Create an Account

Create an account in 3 easy steps. All you need is your company's GST, PAN & bank account details.

List your products

Upload your product details from your Gearhunt Seller panel and you are ready to receive orders once they are approved.

Get paid for sales

Get your payments in your bank account as per agreed terms.

Ship your products

Pack and ship the products to the customer through our courier partners.

Create an Account

Create an account in 3 easy steps. All you need is your company's GST, PAN & bank account details.

List your products

Upload your product details from your Gearhunt Seller panel and you are ready to receive orders once they are approved.

Get paid for sales

Get your payments in your bank account as per agreed terms.

Ship your products

Pack and ship the products to the customer through our courier partners.

Top Reasons to Sell with Gearhunt

Lowest Commission

Lowest commission for all categories when compared to Amazon and Flipkart.

Fast & Secure Payments

Receive the payments for your orders, fast and secure in your bank account. Faster than Amazon and Flipkart.

Freedom of Shipping

You are free to ship with any of our courier partners. Or through your own courier partners.

Sell nationwide

You can sell to the whole of India to thousands of PIN codes. Or sell to your preferred PIN codes only.

Seller Help Portal

Easily access Seller Support portal with your questions. You can also access the knowledge base to learn more.

Manage from Anywhere

Manage your products and inventory from anywhere with your smartphone or tablet. No need to download or install Apps.

It takes less than 5 minutes to register

Lowest Commission

Lowest commission for all categories when compared to Amazon and Flipkart.

Fast & Secure Payments

Receive the payments for your orders, fast and secure in your bank account. Faster than Amazon and Flipkart.

Freedom of Shipping

You are free to ship with any of our courier partners. Or through your own courier partners.

Sell nationwide

You can sell to the whole of India to thousands of PIN codes. Or sell to your preferred PIN codes only.

Seller Help Portal

Easily access Seller Support portal with your questions. You can also access the knowledge base to learn more.

Manage from Anywhere

Manage your products and inventory from anywhere with your smartphone or tablet. No need to download or install Apps.

It takes less than 5 minutes to register

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